Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 30

November 30.
Thankful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I don't know where I would be without the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. I know that the church is true. I know God lives, that He loves us, and knows each of us so personally. I know that my life has been so blessed by being a member of this church. I hope and pray that I can be an example of Jesus Christ everyday and have His spirit with me to guide me in everything that I do.

Day 29

November 29.
Thankful for the living prophet Thomas S. Monson. I know that he is a prophet of God and that he receives modern day revelation for us all. I'm so thankful for his example of love and charity.

Day 28

November 28.
Thankful for The Book of Mormon. I am so grateful for this revelation in my life and the opportunity to read it everyday. It keeps me happy, it keeps me going, it keeps my life in perspective. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and it blesses my life each time I open it up to read it.

Day 27

November 27.
Thankful for our heater. Alright, it's freezing outside and of course I'm not ready. But at least our heater was prepared, and I'm thankful it keeps us nice and toasty!

Day 26

November 26.
Thankful for decorating. We put up and decorated our little Christmas tree. I love the holidays and the fun warmth it brings into our little home. And I loved spending time talking with my husband while decorating:) 

Day 25

November 25.
Thankful for shopping! In honor of Black Friday and amazing Black Friday deals. I'm no midnight shopper but working retail was definitely a crazy fun blast!

Day 24

November 24.
Thankful for time. The time that I have to spend with family and friends, the time to become who I want to be.

Day 23

November 23.
Thankful for exercise. I've been a real slacker lately but I am motivating myself to start anew and be better! It just feels so good to feel so good!

Day 22

November 22.
Thankful for music. I love it! Especially the start of Christmas music..... :)

Day 21

November 21.
Thankful for amazing friends. Seriously, I have some incredible people who have changed my life. Love them all<3

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Days 18, 19 & 20

Wow, slackers. Catch up time...

November 18.
Thankful for technology. Email, blogs, facebook, phones, computers, laptops......... So incredible. And so helpful in school and life!

November 19.
Thankful for stress relievers. Love me some back rubs and bubble baths to just take a minute to cool down and not stress.

November 20.
Thankful for the all natural birth control of nursery. We subbed today and were so grateful to spend time with the cute kids in our ward (especially since they were all so good and fun to be around) but to also make us grateful for the other times of church that we so often take for granted.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 17

November 17.
Thankful for a cleaning husband! I came home from a long day and the dishes were done and the trash was out and the floor was all swept. What a sweetie.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 16

November 16.
Thankful for google. For real, thank you amazing google for making my life so much easier.

But seriously, who isn't grateful for google?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 15

November 15.
Thankful for my cousins. Seriously, where would I be without them? So many great times. So many talks to get through hard times.<3 

Seriously though.. These girls have made my life a better place!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Days 13 & 14

November 13.
Thankful for our apartment. Even when it makes scary noises...

November 14.
Thankful for naps. Especially in our big warm bed on a day when you really just need a nap!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 12

November 12.
Thankful for our calling. It has been such an amazing experience to be able to serve at Primary Children's. I feel like we both have grown so much and have learned a ton. We have met the sweetest children who are overcoming some major trials. It is so humbling and sweet. Keep these amazing children in your prayers<3

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 11

November 11.
Thankful for our troops, soldiers, all the armed forces. Especially thankful for my brother and thankful that he is now home safe<3 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 10

November 10.
Thankful for good health. After spending a day sick with the flu, it makes you really appreciate your good health days.

p.s. Happy 6 month anniversary to us<3 

Thank you Miyo from BUSATH photography for the beautiful photo

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Days 8 & 9

November 8.
Thankful for our car. I may not like driving a stick shift and it may not be pretty... but it gets us where we need to be!

November 9.
Thankful for fun date nights! (And for winning billiards tonight with complete strangers. Go Team Nielsen's)

No pictures for these... but trust me, it was a great night tonight!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 7

November 7.
Thankful for my job and the amazing people I get to work with!

LOVE a good sale!

(happy shopping<3)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 6

November 6.
Thankful for the Temple.

I'm grateful for the temple and all the blessings it brings to our lives. I am so thankful for our temple marriage and am so grateful that we can be together forever.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 5

November 5.
Thankful for food!

(Image from Pinterest :

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 4

November 4.
Thankful for school and the opportunity to gain an education. GO UTES!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November Already?!

So, fail for us on keeping up with our blog....
But here is a fresh start for November!

I'm three days late for being thankful but I will catch up really quick.

November 1.
Thankful for this man right here<3 What a stud!
I couldn't be luckier with the best husband in the world!

November 2.
Thankful for the best two families in the world!

November 3.
Thankful for beautiful Utah weather! I complain too much, but I really do love it.