Monday, May 5, 2014

"…cheerfully and with patience…"

My dear friends! So many exciting and wonderful and happy things have been happening in our life! 

don't i have the handsomest man in all the land?!

My cute hubby graduated from the University of Utah this weekend! I am so proud of him and all of the hard work he has put into school and graduating! Now we are making the trek across the country to Atlanta, Georgia this month so he can start the Master of Public Health program at Emory University.

Crazy, right?! But we are more excited than I can even tell you! We went through the long process of deciding where to go and we feel so right about this adventure. And I'm sure that is exactly what it will be -- an adventure!

I also had the amazing opportunity to go to BYU Women's Conference where I learned so much, I felt the Spirit of God, and I was buoyed up. Plus - it was so much fun to spend the day with my fun mom!
{{My mom is in the General Young Women Presidency and had the chance to sit on the stand for the large sessions and to give a five minute talk with the other presidency members. I am so proud of my sweet mother and all the love she has for everyone around her.}}

There was one big thing I was reminded of through our process of deciding where to move, at graduation, at the conference, and again in my scripture study tonight -- fourth times the charm right? Actually, it's been on my mind through the past year. 

Mosiah 24:15 - "yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord."

If there is one thing I have learned well this year, it is that everything happens according to the will of the Lord. He knows who we are, and he does "visit {His} people in their afflictions." 

Kyron and I have been so busy and doing so much lately. We've been making life-changing decisions, trying to do our best, and not knowing our plans until little-by-little, things have been falling perfectly into place. I had no idea that we would be where we are today one year ago. And I could not be more grateful for the experiences we've had and for the opportunities that have come our way, all unbeknownst to us. And I know, that as we "submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord," He will provide for us and take us in the path that we need to be on. He will help us grow in ways we never thought we could. 

I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father and His love for me and my sweet husband. We feel so blessed and are thrilled to embark on our new adventure together!

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