Saturday, January 30, 2016


Friends! I'm so excited to officially be telling you about Be Wise Magazine!

This magazine is the best thing that could happen to girls. It is the perfect go-to for all things fashion and beauty. But my favorite part about it is that it is the perfect go-to for all things self-worth and happiness. 

I was looking for something meaningful to add in my life and I discovered Be Wise. I found out that they are amazing and love having people join their cause, so I decided to become a contributing writer. I'm super insecure about an actual audience reading my writing so it's actually been a lot more difficult than I thought. This is no personal blog that barely anyone reads - this is the real deal. But I couldn't be more excited to be part of it. 

They are running a "Be Your Best Self" campaign and who doesn't want to be the best they can be?? They've already published their first issue of 2016, which I am super humbled that they included me in. So go check it out. And enjoy their endless tips & tricks!

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